For Immediate Release: September 16, 2024

ICYMI: Florida Democratic Party Endorses Amendment 3

Florida Democrats vote to formally endorse legalizing adult use recreational marijuana

(Tallahassee, FL) – In case you missed it, the State Executive Committee of the Florida Democratic Party on Saturday voted to formally endorse Amendment 3 on the November ballot. Florida Democrats agree Amendment 3 will end the needless arrests of adult Floridians for simple marijuana possession and expand our individual freedoms.

The Florida Democratic Party’s endorsement follows endorsements from elected Democrats including U.S. Representative Lois Frankel, Jacksonville Mayor Donna Deegan, the Florida Senate Democratic Caucus, House Minority Leader Fentrice Driskell, State Rep. Allison Tant, veteran and State Rep. Tom Keen, and many others from around the state.

Support for Amendment 3, however, spans the political spectrum. Just last week, Smart & Safe Florida released a new ad featuring Democratic State Sen. Shev Jones and Republican State Sen. Joe Gruters, highlighting the bipartisan support for legalizing recreational marijuana for adults.

You can read more about the Florida Democratic Party endorsement in a press release published this weekend HERE.

“Too many Floridians have had their lives upended by simple marijuana arrests,” said Morgan Hill, Smart & Safe Florida spokesperson. “The Florida Democratic Party’s support underscores the need to end the prohibition of marijuana and expand the rights of all Floridians. We are honored to have their support in this effort toward greater justice and freedom here in Florida.”

For more information about Smart & Safe Florida and the campaign to legalize adult use marijuana in Florida, please visit

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