August 21, 2024

SEIU Florida Endorses Amendment 3

Support continues to surge in campaign to legalize adult use recreational marijuana

(West Palm Beach, FL) – Today, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Florida chapter endorsed a YES Vote on Amendment 3 on the November ballot, indicating their support for legalizing adult use recreational marijuana and further protecting the individual freedoms of Floridians.

SEIU Florida is one of the state’s largest unions, representing over 80,000 diverse professionals and essential workers statewide. SEIU Florida workers know our antiquated marijuana laws only hurt our workforce, by making unnecessary arrests for simple marijuana possession and preventing the creation of new job opportunities for across the state.

“SEIU proudly endorses Amendment 3 on the November ballot as a significant step toward true justice and freedom in Florida,” said Coyuca Jones, SEIU Florida Vice President. “Legalizing recreational marijuana will not only end the unjust criminalization that has disproportionately affected our communities, but it will also benefit workers by creating new job opportunities and fostering economic growth. By supporting Amendment 3, we are advocating for a fairer, more prosperous future for all Floridians.”

“We are honored to have SEIU Florida’s endorsement, another important voice in the growing coalition behind passing Amendment 3,” said Morgan Hill, spokesperson for Smart & Safe Florida. “When it comes to keeping our communities whole and providing significant economic windfall for every corner of our state, there’s no question the potential benefit of voting yes this November.”

For more information about Smart & Safe Florida and the campaign to legalize adult use marijuana in Florida, please visit

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Pd. Pol. Adv. paid by Smart & Safe Florida - 1400 Village Square Blvd, Suite #3-321, Tallahassee, FL 32312.