For Immediate Release: September 24, 2024

ICYMI: Republican Bradford County Sheriff Gordon Smith Endorses Amendment 3

Tough on crime, conservative sheriff believes safe, regulated market is best path for Florida

(Bradford County, FL) – Yesterday, Bradford County Sheriff Gordon Smith sat down with Action News Jax to discuss his strong belief that legalizing recreational adult use marijuana is the best path forward for Floridians.

Sheriff Smith, a self-proclaimed “tough on crime” officer with over 30 years serving Florida, has seen firsthand the ways low-level marijuana arrests ruin lives and prevent law enforcement from focusing on serious crime. He has additionally seen how access to marijuana has significantly helped his brother, a war veteran who has seen great benefits from medical marijuana.

“Getting a medical marijuana card has made him a human being again, where I can pick up the phone and call and talk things he could never talk about before,” Sheriff Smith said. “I just think we need to refocus our efforts. Regulate it. Take the sin tax. Put it toward the effort of education. Sometimes in your heart you have to do what you think is right. And this is one those situations that I feel I am right.”

You can watch the full interview with Sheriff Gordon Smith HERE

“Having Sheriff Smith’s endorsement for Amendment 3 is a great honor. No one knows better the negative effects marijuana prohibition has on individuals and law enforcement,” said Morgan Hill, spokesperson for Smart & Safe Florida. “Sheriff Smith is right. Legalizing recreational adult use marijuana will put an end to needless arrests for simple possession and give law enforcement officers greater time and resources to address serious crime.”

For more information about Smart & Safe Florida and the campaign to legalize adult use marijuana in Florida, please visit

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Pd. Pol. Adv. paid by Smart & Safe Florida - 1400 Village Square Blvd, Suite #3-321, Tallahassee, FL 32312.